Recent content by Beuford T. Justice

  1. B

    Where can I get replacement snaps?

    Any canvas shop should be able to replace it for a buck or two, and in less than two minutes.
  2. B

    Southern New England Grady-White Club

    So how did the shindig go? How many new members signed up? When's the next party?
  3. B

    Southern New England Grady-White Club

    March 5th is a Monday. Will future membership meetings usually be scheduled on weekdays, as opposed to weekends?
  4. B


    OK, and while you're at it, what's the instrument located immediately to the left of the VHF? And what are those two units mounted between the upper instrument boxes? Absolutely love your setup!
  5. B


    tony-sally, Nice rig. I'm interested in where you got the steering knob on the helm wheel. Is it an addition to the factory wheel, or did you install an after market wheel? Thanks