Marlin cabin floor - what's under and how to remove?


Well-Known Member
I had my flooring removed and replaced a couple of years ago due to delamination. Nothing but fiberglass under the wood that will have to be finished if you decide not to replace wood flooring. GW can provide you with a template to use if you decide to replace wood or you can buy wood floor from dealer and not have to deal with cutting your own.


Well-Known Member
I forgot to add, removal is a pain. Nothing is as easy as it appears thanks to adhesive used to apply ply to cabin sole.


Well-Known Member
One option is to use a synthetic floor that gets glued down. Take a look at this link

There are other folks who sell similar products and will cut to spec. So...If you may go that route, make a full size template of your floor before you start to tear it out.



This is a SeaDek application on a 2007 Marlin. Can barely tell the difference. Had it done with a rubber backing instead of glue down so we can remove it to clean it.


Well-Known Member
That looks good. I like that it isn't glued down. You can get access to the area if you ever need to. Shoot GW Cust Service an email or see your dealer on the mid-berth cap. I bet they would send you out the pieces if you asked nicely....


Active Member
As an aside... my friend put a rubber based product from home depot in his basement. not a glue down product and it clicks together like those laminate floors. it looks great for a basement maybe it would work for your need...easy to replace if need be