Grady rod holder


New Member
where can I find the drain caps for the grady rod holders. I had a flood in the cabin located all the drain caps on my 2014 canyon cracked and split.


GreatGrady Captain
A quick google search for "rod holder drain cap" shows a ton of options. Just measure the Outside Diameter of the rod tube to know which fit and you should be good to go - reasonably priced as well.


Well-Known Member
Are you trying to drain water out the bottom, or prevent it going in the top? If my rod holders drained into the cabin, I would use both.


Well-Known Member
I'd say maybe something along the lines of the first link for the top of the rod holder, or the second link for the bottoms of the rod holders... depending on which ones you're referring to. Or both...



Well-Known Member
A pic or clearer description would really help. Some boats have the cap and gasket above for rod holders. They really should not be required on a boat as all rod holders should drain into the cockpit. Think of the crud that can get on them when fishing.... The cup holders either drain into the cockpit or helm floor, or have a cap at the bottom (which kinda sucks as the water builds up in the cup holder) or they have a tube that drains the water away - usually to the bilge where it will be pumped out assuming the pump is triggered.