265 Propellers


GreatGrady Captain
Dec 16, 2006
Reaction score
Port Monmouth, NJ
I am looking into purchasing new props for my 265 express. I am running F225's. I currently have Yamaha 3 bladed props, my fuel numbers are ok, but I am looking to improve my fuel efficiency at cruise and maybe have a slightly faster cruise speed if possible. I am not concerned with top end speed. I am toying with the idea of a 4 bladed prop. I would love to hear of any owners who have put new props on there F225 powered 265 and what there impressions are after doing so as well as any fuel and speed numbers they might have. I'm looking for a good starting point for my prop search as far as blades size and pitch.

As far as use, I fish about 35 trips inshore, 5-10 mile runs, and about 10-12 trips offshore, 50-100miles offshore. My main concern is to cut down my travel time and extend my range on offshore trips. When running offhsore I'm very heavily loaded, 4 people, 250gal fuel, full water tank, offshore gear, valise life raft, trolling gear, 6 flats of bait, about 600lbs of ice, 1500ft of anchor rode and so on.

Any input would greatly be appreciated!!! Thanks in advance!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2005
Reaction score
Half Moon Bay, CA.
Hmmm - that's a tough one Tom. I fear you are fighting the laws of physics and gravity! Have you considered adding a Permatrim to each motor? That could lower your planing speed (and RPM's). On my Seafarer (one F225), I added this device (basically a fixed trim tab) and I was surprised in how much it lifted the stern. Just a thought...
Personally, I think the SW Series II props (17 pitch) are a perfect balance of speed and torque for the 265 with twin F225's.