do u fish?


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2006
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Please take a few minutes to visit this link with information about the MLPA. Also, if you have not done so, please take a few minutes to contact the people on the list to express your support of Package 1 in front of the Commission. I realize that for many people this process will not have any direct impact (the northern boundary stops at Pigeon Point and the northern most MPA is at Ano Nuevo) but rest assured that the methods and principles developed here WILL be applied to our region in 2008. For those of you that fish in Monterey Bay and Morro Bay PLEASE take some time and get familiar with the material as many of your favorite spots are probably set for PERMANENT CLOSURE. That means no fishing for ANYTHING ever again at places like Pt. Sur.

And if your still not convinced you should help just think about the anglers in Morro and Port San Luis. If package P goes through (or 2R or 3R) they are for the most part done fishing. I am sure they would welcome our help.

There is a meeting on the 15th at Monterey. It would be great to plug the room full of Coastsiders. Please see the link for all the deatials. ... /MLPA.html

just copy and paste the letter and please send them to the 3 e-mails listed

please please do this or all fishing will be shut down