Insurance for a 330 express


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2016
Reaction score
Brooklyn NY
Every area has different risks, at least to the insurance companies, and everyone's situation/needs are slightly different. You should always shop around. Make it a yearly thing when you get your renewel. Just make sure you compare apples to apples. I could have gotten cheaper, but I needed a no lay up period as my boat is in water year round except for the yearly maintenance. Most insurance companies had issue with this for some reason. I also wanted consequential coverage. Do I have a high named storm deductible.... Yes in my opinion it's high, every storm is named so doesn't matter to me. Is my deductible higher than I would like... Yep it is, again doesn't really matter to me because if sh@t hits the fan I'll be happy to get back 95% of my investment with an agreed value. But regardless of those two things, I wanted to make sure no matter what my boat was covered. So like many have said, definitely shop around, your needs may be different than others, and know what your actually comparing. For years I had boat US which was pretty good until they partnered up with Geico marine. Then rates went drastically up and coverage started to decline. Then went to marine underwriters, customer service was amazing but rates were average. For my newest boat I went through Alan Mott agency on Long island and it's brokered with Britt insurance. I've had no claims in the 2yrs with them so I can't speak to that end of things. My policy has gone up twice aprox $60 each time.