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  1. T


    Looking for advice - I just purchased five lobster traps, thought I would try my hand at catching some on the North coast of Mass. I have heard that lobstering beats up your boat pretty bad. Any ideas on how to protect the gunwhale/hull/cockpit? Thanks in advance for any advice.
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    Rain X on Windshield?

    I have heard good things about applying Rain X or similar product on the windshield. I have been told it helps a lot when it gets snotty offshore. Anybody have any experience/advice? Thanks. Kevin
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    My first bluefin 68" 210lbs.

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    Livewell Modification

    I own a '99 268 Islander with twin 200 yamahas. Any advice on how to convert an existing baitwell (with drain) into a livewell? I have rigged temporarily the salt water washdown with a hose directly into the baitwell with a 14" pipe into the drain for the overflow. This seems to work ok, but not...