Going to premix


Active Member
I know most of you guys on here are yammi folks. I was told that the merc's i have are notorious for the oil pumps going out. He told me to remove the oil pumps and go to premix. Whats your thoughts on that. Just want to get some opinions on it....


Well-Known Member

My boat came with twin 1993 140 Johnsons on it and those motors had the same reputation. I didn't remove the pumps, I just disconnected them and went to premix.

The 2003 motors I have now are fine and I don't have to premix anymore.

If you disconnect your oil pump make sure it is done correctly. I'm not familiar with Mercs but the Johnson disconnect procedure required several steps. I can't remember exactly how it was done now.


Well-Known Member
Merc has a special block off plate that needs to be installed where the oil pump was for this to be done correctly. You shouldn't just disconnect the linkage and hoses.

That being said, I think if you keep the system clean it's pretty reliable. There is a screen on the bottom of the pickup tube in the external tank than can get clogged up. Run good oil and make sure there are no cracks in the lines and the system is completely sealed because it must be pressurized to work properly.

The concensus on www.screamandfly.com is that as long as you keep the motor under 6000, your oil injection should be fine. I had the same setup on my '85 Merc. 150 and it was still working perfectly when I repowered my old boat in 2003.