Grady 268/270 (2001) trailer setup


GreatGrady Captain
I read in another thread about bunk spacing (apart)but was looking if anyone has any measurements from the coupler ball to the first axle for the 268 Islander, Mine has twin 250 OX66 engines. Also where should the bunks end on this since the hull goes the whole way back. Should they go the whole way back to the end of the euro bracket between the tabs? Anyone that would happen to know the ideal tongue weight would be amazing! My Guess is 700-770LBS

Any pics of this boat on a bunk trailer would be great. Just purchased the boat and putting it on a 2016 28Ft Load rite with 8400LB load rating. (Tandem Axle)

I have the trailer at home but the boat is over 100 Miles away in storage so I would like to get the trailer close before I go pick it up.

Boat is being towed by a 2015 Chevy 2500 Duramax..

Any Help would be greatly appreciated!!
