Hello Texans


GreatGrady Captain
Mar 5, 2019
Reaction score
Hey there Texas!... I know the name may say 232.. but I REALLY am getting a 270.. so if any Texans are out there.. would love to learn from experience. No, not totally inept.. heh.. just new to Grady ;)

But, learning from others is the key to not learning from accidents.. so.. trying to make friends.

Hope folks from Texas will speak up and introduce themselves.

My husband recently aquirred his late grandfathers 204, we are just northwest of Houston. Hope to do some lake and shore fishing.

Looking for some control/switch panel upgrade options, if anyone knows of any out there, let me know :)
Hrm, I thinkng switches and panels are pretty easy to locate. I am betting if you ask in the classified section, someone will point you in the right direction, or the general discussion, actually. More active there heh.

Also. looks like the Texas Grady White is owned by a marine shop that sells boats. I sent them an email asking about GW.. and all I got was added to their email list now.. so.. pretty much a bust.

I get all the info I need here or on the Grady Facebook pages... so, disappointing, but not a loss in the slightest heh

Howdy fellow GreatGrady members in the great state of Texas, I think most GW owners down here are active on THT. This is a great place for GW questions and answers but we are not as active as the Northeast owners. I have a 268 islander (1996) which I have really enjoyed. Replaced the transom back in April 2017, got rid of those small scuppers and installed Gemlux which are great, installed a 6' retractable shade extension (manual), originally came with a single 250 but repowered with Yamaha 300 in 2011. Great torque. Have a 20 hp kicker along with fuel bladder for those long GOM trips.
Howdy. Sorry for the slow response.. making "friends" on another site wore me out.. lol
Do you have a picture of the scuppers you replaced? Curious what they look like.
I was debating the shade extension too. I have a bimini right now, that is getting replaced a week after the boat gets here.. lol.. doubt I can reuse it, but, a shade extension sounds awesome. I have seen a few, just have not factored that in ... yet.. ;)

Maybe we should get the Texas group going again.. heh.. I am sure it would make Grady news.. lol.. albeit.. they may charge money for it.. no idea. I spoke with someone at Marine Max a week or so ago and they said the Texas group "spread too far out"... imo.. ALL of Texas is too far out.. lol

BUT.. does not mean we can't get together if we have a chance!

Attached picture of the Gemlux deck drains also picture of my boat with shade extension. Been doing Spring cleaning getting the boat ready. Plan on going 80 - 100 miles offshore towards middle of May.


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Hey Russ.....John here. I'm from Katy, with a weekend place in Rockport. '05 225 Tournament.
Let me know if you're ever in the Rockport/ Port A area.


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Roger that! My wife, Suzanne, loves that area. We almost bought a place down there around Rockport, but we are getting over being abused be hanger-oners from the ranch lol, so opted for a boat instead :p

I usually port out of Aransas Pass, so after we get the CG Captain out of Houston to take us out, Port A will be the next stop this summer.

Would love to get to know someone down there...makes it even better you have a GW;)

Anyone gets up around Bastrop/Cedar Creek, we live up this way.
Hey there, i‘m in Dallas and just got a’96 272 sailfish. It’s on a trailer and fixing a few things before taking it to the coast. There is power to the rocker switches because the lights And livewell pump work when the switch is flipped on. However, the horn and forward and aft bilge bumps don’t come on when the switches are flipped on. Are there individual fuses for each switch and if so, where are they located? Also, what is the little rubber button above each switch? Thanks in advance
Hey there. I would ask in the tips forum. There are a lot more active people there that may have an answer.
Hey Russ.....John here. I'm from Katy, with a weekend place in Rockport. '05 225 Tournament.
Let me know if you're ever in the Rockport/ Port A area.
Just moved here going to get the boat at the end of the month. Keeping it at cove harbor
Just moved here going to get the boat at the end of the month. Keeping it at cove harbor
Lsquared....I keep my 225 Tourney at Cove Harbor! Lost my Sea Ray at CH during Harvey in '17, so upgraded to the Grady with the insurance money. 200 of the 400 boats at CH were totaled during Harvey. It was something to see.
Keeping mine in a wet slip and if something is heading that I will drag it out