Old Grady Manual up for grabs


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
Nantucket, Ma.
I recently downsized from my '83 25' Kingfish 254. Purchased used in 1987 and I parted ways with it in late summer this year. Anyway today I was going thru and grinding up old bills etc. While doing so I came accross an owners manual I had requested from Grady after I purchased the boat as there was not one aboard when I purchased the boat. At any rate I was going to throw it out but put aside as it might interest someone out there in Grady land. It does contain some useful diagrams of wiring, water system routing, layout of other systems and the usual how to behave in your new Grady. So mostly a period piece with some useful info if someone still has one of the 25' Sailfish etc. Otherwise perhaps a curiousity for a Sailfish fan. It must be of '87 or '88 vintage I would guess. Hence rather than toss it if anyone would like it PM me and I'll send it off to them. In case of multiple requests I decide who so write a brief but good story!
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