Pilot house mod house on 204c...


GreatGrady Captain
Agreed, might be dryer and warmer during "our" late/early N.J. season stuff but not only do I, imho, think it looks bush but gotta wonder what effect it has on the ride and drift. Also gotta be tougher to get to the bow quickly.........to each his own.


Well-Known Member
I guess it's the redneck up-bringing in me but I kinda' like it. Hey, he's rigged it so it can be comfortably used throughout the year. How many others park em' and cover em' when the weather turns cool; he's still crabbing and catching when others have called it a year. As a side note, I worked for an aluminum boat building company for a while after high school and we built cabs like that all the time to attach to older aluminum boats. They're actually not very heavy if built correctly.


Well-Known Member
It is odd, but effective. I watched the You Tube video from the link but did not catch the asking price. It seems the price might be fair given the repower and the electronics. IDK. It would be an interesting option if Grady offered all glass for their WAs and pilot house for center consoles. I like the all glass option on the express boats.


Well-Known Member
I don't think he got the lines right. The perfectly vertical front windows look funny to me. I think it would look better if he had a forward tilt on the front windows, which would be a much more classic style.


Well-Known Member
That F150 sounds like it needs a balancer replacement on startup. Maybe just the way it sounds on video, but mine does not whirrr like that. If it is an early model it may have not had the recall done.


Let me tell you guys about my old boat . I tig welded the whole house out of 5/16" Alum and mounted it to the 2" wide flange that the old windshield was attached to , just like a camper shell mounts to the bed of a truck . It was tough as a brick S@^# House . In fact I took the lip of a 7'-8' sneaker wave right on the two front windows in Nov a few years ago and other than the boat shaking like an earthquake and the 100 gallons of sea water that came around and over the house and flooding the back deck shin high it didnt budge . I DID get $ 16900 on craigslist and now I have a 248 Voyager.