My fabric cushions in the cabin have some mildew on them from the kids wet bathing suits and I can't seem to get it off. I have tried Resolve stain remover and some mildew remover made by Amazon. Any ideas how I can get this off?
You may want to consult with a dry cleaner. I believe those covers zip off.
Other than fabric, I have found Clorox cleanup to take mildew off no matter how bad. May take many applications though, but the black fades.
I have not attempted fabric yet, need a test sample on the side.
I bought ZEP Mildew remover from home depot. I mixed with equal amounts of water in a spray bottle. Spray it on and let it sit for a few minutes, use a brush to scrub lightly and rinse off. If it doesnt come off the first time do it again. The whole process took about 15 minutes. The cushions came out like brand new.