Search results

  1. T

    $67,785 for a 20 foot boat! Do I laugh now?

    I've been shopping, reading what you guys have to say and looking at the market. I just asked my local dealer for a price quote on a 20' Tournament. The number I get back, now this is for a new, 2009 model with a 250hp four stroke , canvas, washdown, and paddles, is $67k! This doesn't include...
  2. T

    What's This? A New 30ft Walk-Thru?

    OK. Someone else brought it up first. I'm hearing about a new 30ft Tournament model. Supposedly out in the next couple weeks. What better place to spread rumors than right here with us GW lovers. Talk to me. I hear it is nuclear powered, helicopter equipped, and has two stealth modes. I also...
  3. T

    grady drive questions

    I'm trying to make decisions about a purchase. Right now I'm leaning towards the Grady 225. Guys, please tell me the pros/cons of the Grady Drive. It sure does make that boat look long, which might complicate things at the dock. But is the ride that much better? How about trailering issues? How...